
There may not be enough hours in a day to get everything done.  一切都是平等的, students who get 8 hours of sleep generally outperform those who get 6-7 hours.  With the right amount of sleep, people learn and process new information better, are more 适应力强,更有创造力.   晚上睡个好觉,你会表现得更好 and have better recall on a mentally challenging task, such as an exam.


坏事发生在好人身上.  适应力是适应环境的过程 面对重要的压力来源.  即使我们无法控制压力源, 我们可以选择如何处理它.  也许你收到了坏消息 在准备考试的时候.  对于坏消息你能做些什么吗 change?  Factors associated with resilience are: being realistic about what you can and cannot do about it, making a plan and following through, having a positive view of yourself, communication and problem-solving skills, consulting a professional for 帮助和管理强烈的感觉和情绪.


你还记得怎么玩吗? 当你还是个孩子的时候,你可能喜欢某种 activity whether it was sports, swimming, dancing, or just riding your bike.  Play and exercise are important parts of life—but you know that!  燃烧一些能量 and getting in tune with your body helps keep you well-balanced physically, emotionally, and mentally.  Getting out into the daylight has also been shown to improve learning 以及信息的保留. 花点时间给自己一些玩耍的时间.  The 所获得的好处远远超过所花费的时间.


Your relationships with others are key in your staying well.  你可能不知道, 但这里真的有你的位置.  十大靠谱棋牌游戏P最好的一点是.C.C. is our diversity.  There are so many different people and places here that opportunity 丰富的让你连接和发光.   你可以做的事情有: join a club, get involved in student government, or form a study group.

Mastering Stress

让我们面对现实吧——你工作很努力,压力也很大.  压力会一直存在.  Even though we wish it weren’t so, it will always be a part of our live.  这不是逃避 stress, but knowing yourself (your limits and your strengths) and being proactive.

There are times when demands we fact tax us to the point that we feel we cannot cope.  We begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious, depressed, helpless and/or angry.  Some of us have physical symptoms such as sleep and/or appetite disturbance, physical tension, 或者耗尽的能量.  Others might experience intellectual roadblocks form stress such as test anxiety, procrastination, or lack of motivation.  压力会影响我们的社交 as well, by causing us to withdraw, feel isolated, or even become aggressive.

Believe it or not, sometimes a little stress can be helpful. 激励我们做好准备 and perform.  Finding the right balance and attitude toward stress helps.  Take time 更多地了解压力并管理它.


  • Learn to Relax 
    在一天中,“小休息”一下.“坐下来,舒服点.  Slowly take 深吸一口气,保持住,然后慢慢地呼出.   Do this 3 times.
  • 实践验收  
    Many people get distressed over things they really can’t change, like getting caught in traffic.  努力改变你能改变的事情.
  • 理性地对自己说话 
    Ask yourself what real impact the stressful situation will have on you in a day or a week, and see if you can let the negative thoughts go.  小心完美主义 现实可行的目标.
  • Disarm Yourself 
    Every situation in life does not require you to be competitive.  调整方法 根据事件的要求.  别提高嗓门或大喊大叫 那些罕见的必要场合.
  • Quiet Time
    Balance your college, family and work demands with special private times.  Hobbies, such as doing crossword puzzles or shooting baskets, are good antidotes for daily pressure.  以一种健康、负责任的方式练习放松.


What a concept!  We are so used to driving and pushing ourselves that the idea of 善良似乎并不合适.  但仔细想想,欺负我们自己 不一定能激发出我们最好的一面.  有关其益处的研究正在不断涌现 of self-compassion, including: reduced anxiety, increased resilience and overall better mental health.   不要相信我们……. Try it! 

Gratitude Helps

People often notice the things in life that are going wrong, but take less time to 品味生活中美好的部分.  考虑我们生活的方方面面 for which you are thankful, can help you to develop a positive perspective.  Practicing gratitude in your day-to-day life can be a useful skill.   这里有一些事情 do:

  • Try writing one thing down each day that you were grateful for that day.
  • Try to identify the learning opportunity that challenges present thinking.
  • Express gratitude to someone else in small and larger ways.
  • 当有人帮助你时,让他们知道.
  • Try writing a letter to a person who has touched your life in a positive way, explaining 他们影响你的方式.


Between hectic class and work schedules, limited resources, lack of cooking know-how, and temptations of late night snacking, eating a balanced nutritious diet can be difficult.  A good diet keep your body healthy, promotes good mood, clear thinking and academic performance.   While there is no single “right” way to eat, regular meals with a variety of foods (from all the food groups) and adequate hydration (water is best) is key.

Eating well is important, but if your thoughts of food or weight are becoming obsessive or distressing, you may be developing disordered eating. 医疗咨询和营养 support is available through 个人心理咨询 and 学生健康服务, where 你可以预约营养师.   

Time Management

没有我们的允许,时光飞逝.  你如何管理你的时间会有很大的影响 你在P的学业成绩.C.C.  它也可能是你压力的一个重要因素 level.  These days, the use of technology can play a large role in procrastination.  Texting, e-mail, Facebook, and computer games, while service as distractions from 学术工作,会变得费时且令人上瘾.  有时很难识别 when it has become a problem and what to do to control its use.  考虑保持 与工作无关的互联网使用记录.  成功的学生设定目标并不断更新 some of their internet time with healthy activities such as spending time with friends 或者散散步.  

Career Planning

When you feel good about your career goals, you tend to enjoy yourself more.  You will be more engaged in your classes, more likely to talk to your professors and more 致力于你的教育.  Career decision-making can sometimes be a source of stress. Many students struggle to choose a major and find themselves caught between their 自己的利益和他人的期望.  即使是曾经很确定的学生 of their goals can suddenly find themselves confused, overwhelmed or questioning their choices. Taking time to explore yourself and your options can be an important part 保持专注和健康.